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  • Farmers in the Conservation Reserve Program will have an opportunity for a one-time voluntary termination in order to expand production, a brief history of government initiatives to encourage farmers to produce more crops, and the USDA is making $200 million available to create a new meat processing capacity expansion program.
  • USDA reports show that fewer cows will likely lead to higher beef costs, while the overall farm economy might be more robust than expected. Climate change leads to higher insurance payments to farmers for floods and drought, and vertical farming starts to see some investment.
  • Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act introduced in the Senate to address the lack of competition in the meat packing industry, beekeepers work to control Varroa mites and the diseases they carry, USDA continues to payout millions of dollars to producers who may not have benefited from the initial aid offered following the corona virus pandemic.
  • How much does animal agriculture contribute to greenhouse gas emissions? Also, fertilizer prices may impact U.S. corn production, and a look at the link between obesity and USDA budgets.
  • Electric farm vehicles may be problematic for farmers, possible collusion among the big four meat packers, and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack says the USDA will commit to expanding meat and poultry processing.
  • More than 250 employees have quit, and others are expected to follow suit before the Sept. 30 deadline for reporting to work in the Kansas City area. Critics of the move say research will suffer.
  • San Juan National Forest has issued a plan for stabilizing and restoring the environment after damage from the 416 Fire. Work has already started in…
  • The Southwest Farm Fresh Cooperative in Montezuma County has been awarded a $229,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Co-op general manager…
  • While poverty is a challenge in many parts of society, the reality is that nearly 85 percent of America's persistent poverty occurs in rural areas. In…