Cortez’s Central Business District will soon feel more like a “downtown,” according to city officials. After Labor Day of this year, the City will install medians between Elm and Ash streets (approximately between the Montezuma County Courthouse and the old City Hall). They will also install a median and pedestrian refuge between Roger Smith and Edith streets (near McDonald's).
Cortez City Manager Shane Hale says the medians are based on the city's Heart and Soul plan that started in 2012. He says they will help slow traffic, make the downtown area more visually appealing, and encourage people to shop at downtown businesses.
Cortez Public Works Director Phil Johnson is in charge of designing and constructing the new medians. He talked with KSJD's Austin Cope about how the changes will look, what the process has been to get there, and what the medians will bring to the downtown area.